1. Prepare the area

prepare the area, bring in any topsoil and or compost that you need, rake it all together and give the barren area a good watering

2. Use a broad leaf Weed Killer

Allow it to stand for a week or so and if weeds do appear then apply the necessary chemical for that specific weed, or go in with a deep chopping hoe and remove weeds, roots and all. Most weeds can be removed with a general broad leaf weed killer.

3. Use a systemic Chemical

Some weeds are more feisty and require more specific weed killers. If no weeds emerge, go ahead with the new lawn. In some gardens the weeds have become so prominent that the only solution is to apply a systemic chemical, wait for the effect and then to go in with hoe's and spades and remove the dead material.

lawn maintenance

The ugliest word in any gardeners vocabulary

. These pesky things appear from nowhere and once they are established, can take over entire sections of a lawn. How does one keep weed infection down to a minimum? Unfortunately this part of gardening requires diligence and labour time. Lets start at the beginning. Ideally when one prepares the ground for a new lawn, proper care must be given to ensure that the ground is weed free before putting down the lawn. A plan one can apply, even though it does require some time, is to follow these tips.

Then re-establish the lawn. The lawnmower itself also spreads weeds from one area to another. If mowing a portion you know has weeds, then dry-clean the lawnmower before going onto new area. This is very common when living in Estates who enjoy  garden services provided by the estate. Or when making use of garden services who rapidly move from one lawn to the next. Get you gardener to spend at least some time during his weekly visit, to identify problem areas and address them quickly. This kind of control will soon pay off.

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