1. Level the soil

Using a garden rake, level the soil as much as possible and then using any object, draw fairly deep furrows into the soil at intervals of about 10 cm.

2. Lay the Strips of Runners

Then lay the individual strips of runners into the little furrow and close the furrow with soil to ensure that the roots are buried. Continue doing this until planting has been completed. For planning purposes we estimate that one worker cn plant a bag of our runners out in about one day

3. Water

Once planting has been completed, ensure watering takes place. Watering will provide the extra weight required to make the soil settle down on the runners and roots as well as provide moisture immediately to the roots.

site preparation and planting

The Know-How So You can Know How!

We refer to runners as the long strips of grass shoots that is recovered when dismantling sods of instant lawn. These are individual strips of grass, on a longish runner with roots protruding at certain intervals. 

Nm  mixed into the soil or a grunular fertilizer can be spread on top of the soil. Do not apply more than 35 gms per sq m and once applied wet the soil until the granules have dissolved. Allow to stand for a day until the soil dries out a little.

As one can imagine, the soil surface into which the runners have been planted is very shallow and any heat will start drying this soil out immediately. It is therefor critical that this grass is kept wet for the first 10 days or so, until the roots have taken. If it is very hot, watering twice a day is recommended. Do not allow any traffic for at least 2 to 3 weeks. Only start mowing after 5 – 6 weeks, once the roots have firmly established and the lawnmower does not rip the grass out of the ground. Do not let the runners dry out before planting.

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